

Saturday 17 August 2013

10 Most Outstanding Storytelling Photos By Xin Li

10 Most Outstanding Storytelling Photos By Xin Li
 | On 24, Jul 2013
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The fun part with a photograph is that it “always” tells us a story, actually there can be multiple stories that can be associated with a single frame. But it is in the mind of the photographer to “direct” or “channelize” the minds of the viewers to a particular, strong and appealing stories. And if the photographer is not appealing  n this endeavor than the photograph loses its distinctiveness and falls under the “normal” category. But for sure, young photographer Xin Li’s photos doesn’t belong to that normal category.
‘’Hi, my name is Xin. I’m an eighteen year old living in Norway and I like to chase light.’’ – thats how Xin Li describes herself in her official flickr page. And After exploring this tremendously creative collection so far, you would agree with me that she had success about ‘’chasing light’’.
Check out 10 Most Outstanding Storytelling Photos By Xin Li…

10 – Our own galaxies

Our own galaxies
Our own galaxies

09 – I


08 – Restless minds

Restless minds
Restless minds

07 – Our bodies are declaring war

Our bodies are declaring war
Our bodies are declaring war

06 – Gold

Storytelling Photos Gold

05 – Wake Up

Wake Up
Wake Up

04 – February


03 – Light carousel

Light carousel
Light carousel

02 – Sunday


01 – Vertical

Via: Xin Li’s Flickr

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