

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Garden Photography: Important Tips

Any form of photography is easy to do, but getting a good shot is very difficult. If you were to look into the many facets of garden photography, you would discover that taking a professional shot is in fact very difficult. Below are a few tips to help you get a better shot and to help you take a few interesting shots. The fact is that even a well-maintained and brightly-colored garden may appear dull and lacklustre on a photograph. If you try a few of the ideas listed below, then you will find that you have taken a few spectacular shots in amongst the ordinary and everyday ones.

Important Tips Of Garden Photography

Take many pictures of the same shot:

The thing about the greatest shots is that they often happen by accident. If you take a lot of shots of the same scene, you will find that one of them will turn out fantastic. That is why the photographers on the red carpet take hundreds of shots of the same people because they know that just one or two of them are going to turn out fantastic. The others will just look bog standard and ordinary. Take a lot of shots and you will find the nugget of gold amongst the rubble.
holt_953_298 Susan Reimer's home garden for Modern Living story. (input photo on 06/05/06)

If you do not have a tripod then use a hard surface:

A tripod is used to keep the camera stable. The more that your camera moves then the more blurry and choppy that the image will look. There is image stabilization software, but even that cannot compare to simply having your camera on a hard surface. Even if you have a very steady hand, your hand is moving ever so slightly. You can avoid this by simply finding a flat and hard surface and putting your camera on it for the shot.....

Shoot from a dark place and a light place:

Getting the right light and dark composure on your shot is going to be difficult if you have not studied photography, so you need to take a lot of shots. And, you should take your shots from both light and dark places. Stand in the sun, stand in the shadows, and stand at different angles in the garden. You will see how taking the shot from differently lit areas will affect your shots. The direction of the sun is also a factor that shooting from different angles will help you with.
International-Food-Photography-Festival-I-went-down-to-my-garden3 4064097_orig

Set the timer if you want 100% still shots:

When you place your camera on a flat surface, you still have to press the camera button. This is going to mean that there is a little bit of movement when you press it and then micro movements as it settles into place. In order to stop this movement, you should set the timer to take the shot in 2 to 5 seconds. Waiting any longer will make your photography shoot last a lot longer than you want it to.

Use the macro function to take very close up shots:

There is a function that allows your camera to take really close up shots whilst being in focus. You need to find it and play with it because it will help you take some fantastic shots. Getting something close up and in focus always makes a nice shot anyway, but if you can get it so that the rest of the garden is in the background (albeit blurry), then you will make your shot come to life. This is also a good tactic for taking shots of your garden wildlife.
663877-Sunken-Garden_view Prentiss Baker yard, Raleigh

Take photos of the wildlife in your garden:

Your garden shots are going to be nice enough, but they are only going to have limited appeal to garden enthusiasts and yourself. If you also take shots of the wildlife in your garden, then your shots are going to appeal to a far wider audience. Plus, if you go on the search for small animals, birds and insects, then you may discover just how alive your garden really is.

Take shots in different weather conditions:

This is something that does not occur to a lot of people unless it is snowing or really sunny. But, under the right conditions you can take some great pictures with overcast weather, red evening sunsets, fog, rain and storms. If you experiment a little then you will come away with some great shots.
Photography at the Garden

Edit your photos after the fact to bring them to life:

Once you have taken your shots then head off to your computer and try editing some. Sometimes the best shots are the ones that have been enhanced a little. This is especially true when you are cropping something. You can bring the most beautiful part of the shot closer to centre of the image. Play around with a few of the shots and you will be surprised at how nice some of them turn out.
I’m Nellie and currently work as a writer for, with which college admission essay and everything connected with application becomes clear.




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